Traditional Poetry

Narrative Poetry

The Descent of Ancient Night Upon Heav’n: An Addition to John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book Three.” The Mythic Circle 41, Summer 2019.  

John Milton’s Paradise Lost is a classic of the English language, but it is also mired in a patriarchal view on women in Christianity – the titular Paradise is lost through the indiscretions of a woman.

My addition takes a minor character in Paradise Lost, Night, and empowers her as a goddess, redefining the original and reclaiming the feminine in Christianity.

Purchase The Mythic Circle here.

Lyric Poetry

“Postcards from the Abyss.” Mosaic. University of California, Riverside. 1993.

“Blood & Water Blood & Sand.” Mosaic. University of California, Riverside. 1993.

“Drinking from a Dry Well.” Mosaic. University of California, Riverside. 1993.

“I, Attis.” Mosaic. University of California, Riverside. 1992.