Vincent Dethier once wrote, “…there has never seemed to be a taboo against pulling off the legs or wings of flies. Most children eventually outgrow this behavior. Those who do not either come to a bad end or become biologists.”
Three decades ago, Ted took the latter of the Dethier’s two paths, and ended up as a Board Certified Entomologist with a Master’s Degree in urban entomology.
Along the way he has worked as a senior manager at a large, regional pest control company, where he lead strategic and operational projects related to training, technical services, and quality assurance.

In addition, he has served as an entomology officer in the US Army, setting up the Department of Defense’s primary entomology laboratory in the Pacific Area of Command. He also ran the Department of Defense Pesticide Applicator Training Center for the Western Pacific, which provided training and entomological support to military preventive medicine personnel and foreign national pest management professionals.
He learned the industry working as a technician at his grandfather’s pest control company in Southern California while he studied entomology at college. After all these years, he still enjoys solving tough pest problems and providing training to pest management professionals and the public.
He has degrees from two of the top entomology schools in the United States, is a Board Certified Entomologist, and is a regularly published writer on entomology and pest management. Internationally experienced, he has worked in six different countries, and has trained hundreds of pest control technicians.
Board Certificated Entomologist
- Specialties: Urban and Industrial Entomology; Medical and Veterinary Entomology; Pesticide Development, Analysis, & Toxicology
- Master of Entomology, 1998. North Carolina State University
- Bachelor of Science, 1996, Biochemistry (major) and Entomology (minor). University of California, Riverside
- 30 years experience in pest management
- Fourth generation pest management professional
- Experience working in pest management in the United States, Haiti, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and the British Indian Ocean Territory (Diego Garcia)
- Over 40 TV and radio appearances
- Over 20 publications in popular magazines and trade journals
- 2010 Winner of the Entomology Educational Project Award from the Board Certified Entomologists of Mid-America
- Experience with disaster relief and outbreaks: 2010 Haiti Earthquake, 2014 Tokyo Dengue Fever Outbreak, 2015 Leptospirosis Outbreak in an undisclosed military installation
Pest Control Publications
Ted has also published extensively on how to safely and effectively control pests in and around homes and businesses. Known for his down-to-earth writing style and practical insights, his philosophy is that the science and technology in an article should complement the reader’s understanding of the material, not undermine it.
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