About Ted
About Ted Snyder
Ted grew up in Roger Zelazny’s Amber as much as he did in California’s Inland Empire. He still wanders the shadow worlds, only now in the stories he writes.
Much of his writing falls within that odd corner of speculative fiction often referred to as weird tales. Science fiction that overlaps with horror enough to where it's not quite SF anymore. Dark, macabre fantasy. Horror that sidesteps the overused monster tropes and clever twist endings. He takes inspiration from Gene Wolfe, HP Lovecraft, Clark Aston Smith, Joe Lansdale, Roger Zelazny, Frank Bill, and David Foster Wallace.
He also creates erasure poems, finding hidden texts within writings both old and new. These "found poems" push the boundaries of what we consider poetry and what we consider art. Many of his erasure poems incorporate in old scientific illustrations. He is always finding ways to expand poetry into new media, and he was one of the first poets to publish multimedia poetry on the internet back in 1999.
He studied creative writing at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, spinning terrifying tales for his fellow graduate students. Perhaps one day they might recover.
Originally from Southern California, he lived in Tokyo, Japan while serving as an officer in the US Army, and Raleigh, North Carolina while he was in graduate school for entomology. He currently lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Readings and Workshops
Use the contact form to schedule a reading.
For workshops, Ted teaches using a student centered instructional style that focuses on students learning through doing, rather than listening to a lecture. He teaches workshops on the various types of speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, and horror), as well as on poetry. Teaching erasure poetry and found poetry is a special interest of his. Contact him to discuss your ideas for a workshop.
Contact Ted